Technical: Take advantage of the superior technical aspects of The Hub which offers the very best in lighting, sound and electrical equipment for events of any type. We have extensive experience in operating events across all sectors and we can showcase large capacity shows in our fully equipped indoor area. For more technical aspects click here
Facilities: As well as our showcase area we provide various rooms for storage, meetings, staffing and conferences. Our rastaurant and bar can cater for dietary and catering needs for all events and our fully licensed bar is a common addition to many of the events that take place at The Hub.
Backstage: If you are looking for backage rooms for makeup, dress rehersals, performance artists or a secure place to store equipment the Hub have you covered. Our backstage rooms come in carious sizes to cater for any event. Click here for more information
Crowd Control, Event Planning: Covering your event from a crown planning side of things is essential - and an area the Hub excel in. We have hosted events of all types from large scale international conferences to international renowned musical artists and we can assist with the seating arrangements, entrances, on the day ticketing and other aspects.